Listing 8 5, A sample jboss web.xml descriptor illustrating specifying the security domain for a war.
java:/jaas/spec test
The highlighted items are:
A security role ref element declares the role name that the session bean with use
in calls to the EnterpriseContext.isCallerInRole method. Here the declaration
states that EchoCaller will be used and this name used by the bean is mapped to
the application logical name Echo .
The security identity element declares that when the message driven bean
invokes methods on other beans it will do so with a role InternalRole . It is
common to use this construct with MDBs when they need to used secured beans
as MDBs have no standard way to assign a caller identity.
The security role elements declare the declarative roles used by the EJBs. This
will be used to map from the EchoCaller string to the Echo string when the
session bean calls isCallerInRole. A principal caller will match the beans check if a
role named Echo has been assigned. The InternalRole declaration is really only
for documentation and portability to other application servers.
This is the method permissions section for the Echo role. Each method element
declares a method of an EJB the Echo role is allowed to execute.
This is the method permission section for the InternalRole role. This is used to
restrict access to the PrivateEntity entity bean to only other EJBs in this
application that assume the InternalRole via a run as declaration.
The unchecked element declares methods that any authenticated user may access.
The unchecked element declares that no specific roles are required to execute the
given methods, but callers must be authenticated users.
The excluded list element declares methods that no principal is able to execute in
the deployment. It is a mechanism to prevent access to methods regardless of the
caller and their roles.
Moving to the jboss.xml descriptor, the security domain declaration in the
Standard Stateless SessionBean configuration is declaring that by default
stateless session bean in this deployment are secured. This is because the
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