S E C U R I T Y  
      cn=JBossSX Tests,ou=Roles,o=jboss.org
To help you understand all of the options of the LdapLoginModule, consider the sample 
LDAP server data shown in Figure 8 2. This figure corresponds to the testLdap login 
configuration just shown. 
Figure 8 2, An LDAP server configuration compatible with the testLdap sample configuration. 
o r g . j b o s s . s e c u r i t y . a u t h . s p i . D a t a b a s e S e r v e r L o g i n M o d u l e  
The DatabaseServerLoginModule is a JDBC based login module that supports 
authentication and role mapping. You would use this login module if you have your 
username, password and role information in a JDBC accessible database. The 
DatabaseServerLoginModule is based on two logical tables: 
Table Principals(PrincipalID text, Password text) 
Table Roles(PrincipalID text, Role text, RoleGroup text) 






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