S E C U R I T Y  
java.naming.security.principal, The principal for authenticating the caller to the 
service. This is built from other properties as described below. 
java.naming.security.credentials, The value of the property depends on the 
authentication scheme. For example, it could be a hashed password, clear text 
password, key, certificate, and so on. 
The supported login module configuration options include the following: 
principalDNPrefix=string, A prefix to add to the username to form the user 
distinguished name. See principalDNSuffix for more info. 
principalDNSuffix=string, A suffix to add to the username when forming the user 
distiguished name. This is useful if you prompt a user for a username and you don t 
want the user to have to enter the fully distinguished name. Using this property and 
principalDNSuffix the userDN will be formed as: 
String userDN = principalDNPrefix + username + principalDNSuffix;  
useObjectCredential=true|false, Indicates that the credential should be obtained 
as an opaque Object using the org.jboss.security.auth.callback.ObjectCallback type of 
Callback rather than as a char[] password using a JAAS PasswordCallback. This 
allows for passing non char[] credential information to the LDAP server. 
rolesCtxDN=string, The distinguished name to the context to search for user roles. 
roleAttributeID=string, The name of the attribute that contains the user roles. If 
not specified this defaults to "roles". 
uidAttributeID=string, The name of the attribute in the object containing the user 
roles that corresponds to the userid. This is used to locate the user roles. If not 
specified this defaults to "uid". 
matchOnUserDN=true|false, A flag indicating if the search for user roles should 
match on the user s fully distinguished name. If false, just the username is used as 
the match value against the uidAttributeName attribute. If true, the full userDN is 
used as the match value. 
unauthenticatedIdentity=string, The principal name that should be assigned to 
requests that contain no authentication information. This behavior is inherited from 
the UsernamePasswordLoginModule superclass. 
password stacking=useFirstPass, When the password stacking option is set, this 
module first looks for a shared username and password under the property names 
"javax.security.auth.login.name" and "javax.security.auth.login.password" 






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