S A M P L E   P R O J E C T  
 /servlet : contains servlet source files 
 /resources : contains resource files for XDoclet 
 /web : contains the JSP pages for your web application 
After the run the build system for the first time you will also have a  /build  directory which 
 /bin : contains the final script files to run a Java client if available 
 /classes : compiled classes (both yours and generated Java classes) 
 /deploy : contains the files which will be deployed automatically to your JBoss 3.0 
 /generate : contains all the Java files which are generated by XDoclet. You can use 
them to see what XDoclet generated and to find problems if the generated source is 
not correct 
 /META INF : contains all the generated deployment descriptors by XDoclet. 
 /war : to be defined 
How to Code in the Template 
The template comes already with a template application EJBs, web application, Java client 
and you can take them and adjust or you can create your own project but you should follow 
the directory structure and use XDoclet to generate the redundant files. 
Most likely you want to add you own package structure and that is not a problem because 
under  /main/client ,  /main/ejb  or  /main/servlet  you can use any directory structure you 
like but must not add client code to another directory than  /main/client  and the same 
applies for EJBs and servlets. 
Create EJBs 
Write regular EJB implementation but for Entity Beans with CMP only create abstract 
getter and setter methods for the table attributes 
Write the XDoclet class level tags like this example 
 * @ejb:bean name="test/Manager" 
 *           display name="Manager working on projects to support clients" 
 *           type="CMP" 






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