like accessing the java: namespace inside the JNDI server or using local method calls on
EJBs etc. Clients running outside of the application server can mostly maintain a state and
cache values / results compensating their disadvantages.
This topic is mostly neglected by most projects because it is tedious, boring and does not
reward you. Tedious is true in most cases but it does not have to be boring and after some
nights of debugging you maybe start thinking of a reward for test cases.
Due the fact that we are coding in a distributed environment bugs are also distributed and
are hard to find through all the layers. Most of the time you need more time to find a bug
than to fix it. When the components are tested than you are sure that all the test cases
works and all the bugs are found on a lower level. If you found a new bug you can add the
according test case to the list of test cases and improve the quality of your tests. But the
most important fact is that you can run your test cases every time you made a change and be
sure that you did not bring in a new bug.
There are two different types of test. A test where the code is inspected and based on the
code a test plan is created is called white box tests. When you take the code and just call it
and check the output then it is called black box tests.
White box test tools are much easier to use because it frees you from creating the test cases
but it is up to the tool to define test cases, which is not suitable for testing specifications. It
also reports any problem even this is not a problem for you. So you could spend more than
checking the output than writing the test cases.
Black box testing requires you to write the test cases but you can test specifications and
ignore problems when it is not one from your view. Thus you can save time on the long haul
because you only get the problems listed you are interested in. But is it necessary that the
test cases are designed and written well to ensure high quality. A good test tool is jUnit,
which is an open source project and used by many other open source projects.
Template Project
The basic idea of this template project is to give you a starting point how a project can be
setup and being ready to use JBoss in no time. It is also the basic for all the examples in this
manual. Thus all the examples look similar and can be rebuild every time you want to play
with them. The template only uses open source tools which you can download for free and
can produce all the necessary components for a J2EE application like EJBs, MBeans, web
applications, Java clients etc.
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