Call the compiler etc. by hand on the command line
Use a script file containing the list of commands to build your system
Use the make tool
Use the ant tool
For Java projects the time you save increased down the list. The first item is not even
suitable for a simple test because you will compile and run several times until it is working
you will spend too much time anyhow. The script file will always recompile all source files
etc. and therefore repetitive use will slow you down. The good old make tool is suitable
when the most of your components are not Java or you have to use it because of some
company policies. The drawback is that it calls the Java compiler for each file and therefore
it is pretty slow especially when you recreate the project complete. make is also pretty
difficult to us.
All this was the reason for David Duncan Davidson (see Jakarta) to write a simple build tool
based on XML. It was used to build Jakarta's Tomcat web server and became famous as
ant . Currently it is one of or the best build tool available. After spending some time to
learn it you will never build a project without it (see Appendix B).
ant provides many tasks to help you (compiling, archiving, copy with filtering, run
JavaDoc, run other programs etc.) but it also allows you to create your own tasks which we
will see later with XDoclet. On of the weaknesses is that you have difficulty to apply
conditional compiling but maybe this will be added in the future.
For now we want to go with ant because it is sexy, Java based, open source and you can
use it for free. Please not that JBoss does not use ant directly but through buildmagic
supporting builds of multiple projects within the JBoss project.
Enterprise Java Beans and J2EE Resources
In J2EE Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs) and the J2EE Resources is the core of any type of
applications. The EJBs represents either business objects and their logic or a more advanced
persistence data object. The J2EE Resources enable EJBs or other components like Servlets
to access persistent data stores, connection to other (sometimes legacy) systems or
communicate with others.
The EJBs are integrated in a mostly vendor neutral set of APIs like JMS, JAAS, JavaMail,
JCA etc. and their implementation represents the J2EE resources. This means that an EJB
can be coded in a vendor neutral way to run on different J2EE servers and J2EE resource
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