F I R S T   S T E P S :   B R I N G   J B O S S   T O   L I F E  
goto eof 
echo          To Install JBoss 3.0 do 
echo Usage:   %0 jdk_home jboss_home (classic/hotspot/server) 
echo NOTE:    You MAY NOT use spaces in the path names. If you know how 
echo          to fix this, please tell me. 
echo          JDK 1.3 does not come with hotpot server by default, you must 
echo          install this seperately if you wish to use it. 
echo Example: %0 c:\progra~1\jdk c:\progra~1\jboss30 hotspot 
echo          To Uninstall JBoss 3.0 do 
echo Usage:   %0 uninstall 
goto eof 
Start this program with the JDK home path as first argument, the JBoss home path as the 
second and type of JVM (classic, hotspot or server) as third. Please check if the desired type 
of JVM is available in JDK_HOME/jre/bin and see if the classic, hotspot or server directory 
is available. This is an example of how to start the script: JBoss30.bat 
JBoss30.bat c:\java\jdk1.3.1 c:\java\jboss30 server 
Open the "Control Panel". Then for WNT click on "Services" and for W2K click on 
"Administrative Tools" and then click on "Services". Now look for the "JBoss30" service (or 
how you named it in the JBoss30.bat script) and open it.  
Check that the service its startup type is "Automatic" if it should be started when the 
Windows is started up or "Manual" if you want to start it here manually. Then ensure on the 
"Log On" tab that the service is started with the right user having the proper permissions to 
start JBoss.  
Now finally start the service and check that it is serving (takes some time). The console 
output is redirected to the file specified in the script with " out" parameter.  
ATTENTION: Note that the order of the parameter of the JavaService.exe program matters 
and that you should not use spaces in the paths.  
Install JBoss as Unix Service 
To start installing JBoss as Unix Service you have to have a JBoss 3.0 distribution, an 
"init.d" script and a JBoss startup script.  






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