Do leaders, educators and communities trust each other
enough to ask the hard questions about education?
 I want to ask the questions, figure
 Let's open up the conversation 
out where we're going, lay out all the
and admit that we don't have all 
steps to get there and circulate it so
the answers. This is a process of 
that we're all on the same page. 
discovery. We want our students 
to delve deeply, reflect and follow 
their curiosity   and we can 
definitely set that example. 
Transformation Begins With Continuous
BellSouth edu.pwr
has shown us the
kind of leadership that is necessary
Transforming education   and using technology as a key asset   requires
to successfully change education
first and foremost the willingness to question from within. This is the first
and keep it relevant to students
step toward creating the direction for change that will guide ongoing
today and in the future. It has
efforts. It involves opening new channels of honest communication among
revealed an immense level of 
leaders, policy makers, teachers and students. As Fran Dramis, BellSouth's
interest and enthusiasm among
Chief Information, E Commerce and Security Officer puts it,  You have to
teachers. It has demonstrated 
wallow in the way things are for a little bit, so that you can acknowledge
that students themselves have 
where you are, and then gain an honest understanding of how you want
a valuable role to play in shaping
things to change and a clearer vision of where you want to go. 
the future of education in our 
country. All that remains is to 
Beginning questions may consider the very core of education as we 
harness these assets and direct
currently know it:
them toward a common vision of
  What business are we really in? Who are our customers? 
relevant and engaging learning. 
What makes us relevant to their needs, desires and interests?
It will be difficult, take a long time
  What do students want to know? What do they need to know? 
and require great sacrifice and
Where are the gaps between the two, and how do we close them?
investment. But all of our futures
  How do students learn? How can we support different learning styles? 
ride on the outcome. 
How can technology help? 
Who's ready for the challenge?
  Where do students prefer to get information? 
What do they do with it when they get it? 
  What more as educators do we need to learn? 
What questions do we need to ask?
The answers to the questions above will be as varied in perspective as 
the people who work together to answer them. As stated many times in this
report, it is critical that all of those who work toward change   regardless of
how they choose to get there   share a common vision of their destination
to anchor their efforts and give meaning to sometimes difficult discussions. 






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