Are We Ready for Change?
At first glance, one may be hard
shared by the business world.
pressed to find any indication
While drawing direct analogies
that our schools are really ready
for change from other industries
for transformation. Institutional
may not be a simple task, it may
behaviors lean solidly toward the
certainly be worth exploring the
status quo. There appears to be no
comparative experiences and
common language for and about
challenges of transformation in the
change within school systems.
business and education worlds, and
Policy and politics keep would be
creating an atmosphere of shared
leaders focused on delivering day
learning between the two.
to day rather than leading into the
No matter how we choose to deal
future. Professional development
with it, the transformation is already
often is treated more as an after
happening. Those who care about
thought and focuses on meeting
education must choose between
minimum standards. All of these
leading the change or allowing it
challenges, in some form, are
to render them obsolete.
Fortunately, BellSouth edu.pwr
revealed enough energy and talent
We have a huge task on our hands. It's complex. It's difficult...
to begin the transformation process
but it's do able. So let's be honest about the task and analyze
by asking the hard questions and
what it's going to take to accomplish it. Then it is leadership's
looking for honest, if sometimes
difficult, answers and insights.
responsibility to sell that vision.
Duane Ackerman, Chairman and CEO, BellSouth Corporation
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