Change is not something that one person drives. Many change efforts are top down, where
the leader alone dictates, Here is the change. People don't get it. Therefore, they never get
in the game, and the leader is the only one down the field. And it's tough to lead when no
one's following.
Rod D. Odom, Jr., President, Network Services, BellSouth Corporation
Students, without a doubt, have a
views and ideas. Overarching
wealth of ideas to share about how
themes were clear: students want
to use technology to reshape their
more access to technological tools
learning experiences inside and
in school, and they want to interact
outside the classroom and make
with technology in more meaningful
them more relevant to their lives.
As part of the Power to Teach report,
BellSouth created a special web site
All of these examples illustrate the
to allow students from participating
various points along the way at
schools to air their desires in a
which innovative thinking and
moderated online forum. The results
action can result in transforming
opened our eyes to the growing
experiences. They show us that
perception gap between students
inspired leadership does exist
and teachers about how technology
among educators at all levels
was enhancing the learning experi
and among students themselves.
ence. These findings are reported
They also demonstrate that trans
in detail in The Big Difference: The
formation doesn't occur at a single
Growing Technology Gap Between
point or instance, but in multiple,
Schools and Students, released
ongoing ways that will determine
by BellSouth in 2003. (View the
the ultimate success of school wide
report online at www.bellsouthfoun
or system wide change effort. In 2003, BellSouth took
this model one step further and
hosted a national Student Speak
Out session lasting three weeks.
Thousands of students from
around the country logged on to to share their
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