be the New Status Quo
was actually the dawn of a com 
Even in realizing the overwhelming
plete lifestyle change. Corporate
power that technology can (and 
leaders who failed to recognize 
will continue to) bring to bear on
and embrace the new way of living
education, one point emerges with
have been rendered irrelevant. 
crystalline clarity: 
Technology can
If education doesn't recognize the
never replace face to face human
lifestyle change that students have
interaction between teacher and
undergone at an amazing rate, 
Nor should it. But it can
it, too, may become lost in a sea 
enhance the frequency, the nature
of other alternatives.
and the timing of human communi 
cation. Live video conferencing and
Tapping into technology's 
digital cameras in cell phones are
potential means tapping into the
but the very tip of the mountain of
unknown   and that's a good
The more data is gathered,
would like to be engaged in the
the more it becomes clear: schools
Even as a technology based 
learning process   and we include
must not do everything they can 
company, BellSouth has always
them in those discussions   just
to improve the way they're doing
based its strategies and processes
imagine what we might learn.
things; they must do everything 
for change on human strengths.
As BellSouth's own experience 
they can to do things differently. 
Technology is a medium for change
has shown, continuing to focus 
in our corporation, but it will never
Education is on the brink of radical
on simply improving the old 
provide the leadership, courage
transformation, and technology
way of doing business rather 
and compassion needed to achieve
is both a catalyst for this change
than reinventing the business 
change successfully. This is doubly
and a key to its success. However,
to incorporate the forces of new
true for education.
educational transformation requires
technologies will only weaken the
the insight to ask questions that
value of the organization. To fully
may reveal our initial ignorance 
capture the power of wireless 
so that we can learn with others
technology, BellSouth had to open
who hold additional pieces to the
itself to new ways of thinking and 
puzzle: What business are we really
an entirely new company (Cingular)
in today? How will the change
that was attuned to the demands 
process take place? Where are we
of a radically changed customer
going with all this change, anyway? 
base. In essence, BellSouth explored
with its customers the potential of
One unique voice to add to the 
wireless technology and how it
conversation is that of students
could change lifestyles. The same is
themselves. If we realize that there
true for the  business  of education
is much to discover about their 
and its ability to make an impact. 
individual potential for learning 
and their ideas about how they






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