The BellSouth edu.pwr
Initiative Programs
Power to Lead
Power to lead provided an electronic simulation experience for 401
superintendents (61%) in the Southeast to show how their decisions
about technology would have an impact on their school systems overall.
Eighty three superintendents continued their professional development
Power to Teach Results
% of schools
with $1,039,790 in follow up grants.
Elementary Teachers
65% and above
Power to Teach
60 64%
Power to Teach gave 10,000 teachers in 300 schools hands on experiences
50 59%
Total above 50%
to improve their own technological capabilities and incorporate their
Middle/High Teachers
newfound knowledge into their teaching at the classroom level. In Power
65% and above
to Teach, the percentage of schools with 50% or more teachers who are
60 64%
50 59%
integrating technology into the classroom increased significantly over
Total above 50%
two years.
Power to Learn
Too much stability can be
Power to Learn provided an intensive year of funding to four exemplary
as detrimental as too little.
schools to help them more fully incorporate technology into their everyday
If a person stays in a place
teaching, school operations, parent communication and more. Program
researchers studied the resulting impact of the school wide infusion of
too long, they may not rec
technology on student learning. Preliminary findings reveal several lessons:
ognize that the community
Focus is essential.
Without a clear, common sense of direction, schools will
around them has changed
shift energy and direction from day to day, based on outside distractions
or internal competitors for attention.
and that the old approach
Context is key.
Teachers and principals need a common language with
is no longer appropriate.
which to discuss current practice and ongoing change. For Power to Learn,
While change may seem
we used the Science of Learning Principles detailed in How People Learn: Brain,
Mind, Experience, and School (National Research Foundation, National Academy
to be unstable, it actually
Press, 2002). This context served as a catalyst for new conversations about
can be a breakthrough
learning and new energy and enthusiasm among teachers. When com
and create momentum.
bined with technology, it resulted in improved classroom instruction.
Change happens on multiple fronts.
Principals in the Power to Learn
Margaret Greene, President,
schools had to address multiple areas of change simultaneously, from
Regulatory and External Affairs,
the physical infrastructure of the school, to the culture inside the building,
BellSouth Corporation
to interactions with the external community. Relationships both outside
and inside the school brought opportunities and challenges that became
factors in change.
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