How We Arrived At This Point 
In 1999, the BellSouth Foundation
launched BellSouth edu.pwr
, a
multi year, $10 million initiative
designed to increase the capacity
of school leaders, teachers and 
students to fully harness the power
of technology for learning. The
BellSouth edu.pwr
consisted of three components:
throughout the region who shared
Power to Lead:
our enthusiasm and interest in using
development seminars and grants
technology to enhance the learning
to support school superintendents
experience. We found a number 
with technology deployment 
of ways in which they were thinking
strategies ($2 million);
in new, innovative ways about 
Power to Teach: 
technology in the classroom. 
professional development grants 
In one Mississippi high school, 
for school districts ($6 million); and
student teams engaged in a multi 
Power to Learn: 
discipline project that combined
exploration of four schools' efforts
communications, physics and 
to integrate technology schoolwide
algebra to design, develop and 
and the effects on learning over 
promote the roller coaster as 
a two year period ($2 million).
a viable part of the amusement
park industry. In Tennessee, a 
While each of these programs was
student advisory team is working
established with clearly defined
with district leaders on technology
goals and desired outcomes, the
issues for learning and for the 
learnings that emerged from each
operation of the school overall. 
far exceeded BellSouth's expecta 
In another example, a forward 
tions. As the initiative progressed
thinking superintendent gave every
through the Lead, Teach and Learn
school board member a laptop 
phases, we found ourselves explor 
to help improve the quality and 
ing a number of different ways 
frequency of communications
in which the power of technology
between the board and district
is being harnessed at the district
leadership, thereby helping them 
level, in individual schools and in
to become more informed and
the classroom. At every step of the 
effective in decision making. 
way, there were superintendents,
principals, teachers and students






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