TVC Value (Time Variable Compensation)
This menu item helps compensate for the response delay caused by gear backlash when
changing direction in Dec. The TVC can eliminate the hysteresis that causes this to
happen. You can select a value between 0 and 255, which is the number of steps made at
high speed whenever the Dec. direction is changed.
You should choose a "TVC Value" that results in a short or no delay when changing the
guiding direction in Dec. If you see a short jump, you have to decrease the value. PEC (Periodic Error Control)
Train PEC
Clear Data*
PEC Off (On)*
Delay Correction*
Drift Correction*
Smooth Data*
Average Data*
Restore Data*
Periodic Error Control ("PEC") helps eliminate the periodic error caused by the very
slight helical path variation in the shape of the RA worm. You experience these as
changes in the tracking speed, causing a star to periodically move a few arc seconds
forward or backward while the worm gear turns. The "period" is defined as the time of
one worm revolution about 4 minutes for the G 11, HGM 200 and MI 250, 5.33
minutes for the HGM Titan, and about 8 minutes for the GM 8 and CI 700.
As long as "PEC" isn
t trained, the only submenu item that appears is "Train PEC." You
should only select this if you already having a star centered in the eyepiece reticle and are
ready to train. If you select "Train PEC," a counter on the display, begins counting down
from 240 to 0 for the G 11/HGM 200/MI 250, from 320 to 0 for the HGM Titan, and
from 480 to 0 for the GM 8 or CI 700.
See Chapter 4, section 4.3 of this manual for a thorough explanation of PEC and for
detailed instructions on how to use each one of the submenus. Mount Type
Losmandy G 11
HGM 200/MI 250
Celestron CI700
Losmandy Titan
Losmandy Titan 50
Losmandy GM 8
Gemini Users Manual
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