removing pairs of alternating corrections within an interval defined by the user. The
interval can be selected between 2 and 255 steps, the same units described for shifting the
PEC playback. (On a G 11, this corresponds to about 9.6 seconds maximum.) Any
alternating corrections made within this interval will be removed from the data. This
function can be used multiple times, with a smaller interval at the beginning and larger
intervals if needed. Average Data
Because of random fluctuations in the periodic error and random guiding errors during
the training run, you can often get more accurate PEC data by averaging the corrections
from more than one training session. After the second training run, two independent sets
of data are available. The latest data trained or calculated is stored in the current data set
that is used for guiding. Any data that was previously in the current data set is moved into
the backup set when you perform another training session. When you select Average
Data, the arithmetic means of the tracking runs is calculated and stored in the current
data set. The previously used data (the second training run) is saved into the backup set.
The Average Data function is not limited to two runs. During the third training run,
with the average function used on the previous two, the current data is backed up and
averaged with the new data. Once more, the newly averaged data is stored in the current
data set. The algorithm that is used to average the data correctly weights the previous
average so that all individual training runs are equally weighted. This process can be
repeated to average up to 255 training runs.
If the averaging function is not used, newly trained data simply replaces the previous
training run in the current data set. The previously averaged data remains available in the
backup data set, allowing you to ignore bad training runs (those with lower quality
guiding). Restore Data
This function simply copies the data from the backup data set to the current data set. You
can use this to overwrite a flawed training run with the previous trained or calculated
4.4 Other Functions
There are two other functions that are especially useful when imaging. They are:
Helps compensate for the response delay when changing direction in Dec.
caused by gear backlash.
Alarm Timer
Allows you to set alarms to alert you to the end of an exposure
Refer to chapter 5 for a complete description of these functions.
Gemini Users Manual
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