Computed Tracking Rates
In addition to the Earth' s rotation, the computed tracking rates take many additional
factors into account such as the Earth' s orbit around the Sun, the Moon' s orbit around the
Earth, and an object' s position relative to the horizon.
Lunar and Solar
Neither the lunar nor solar tracking rates are constant. Since the orbits of Earth and
Moon are slightly elliptical, the apparent speed of Moon and Sun will change. When you
select the lunar or solar tracking rates, the tracking speed will be calculated based on the
actual position and the position one hour later.
Because the Moon orbits the Earth, its RA and Dec change during the course of the night.
The lunar tracking rate compensates for the RA component of that change; there is no
compensation for the changes in Dec. While sidereal rate can certainly be used for visual
lunar observing, the lunar rate will do a better job keeping the Moon centered in the
telescope' s field of view. Since the Moon is relatively near the Earth, even the location
on Earth where you are observing must be taken into account. The lunar tracking rate
therefore takes the parallax into account by calculating topocentric instead of geocentric
Gemini computes the tracking rates by calculating the current position of the Sun or
Moon and the position one hour later. While the tracking rate for the (distant) Sun will
not change much during an observing session, the tracking rate for the Moon might vary
significantly as its parallax changes moving from the horizon to higher elevations and
vice versa. You can reselect the lunar tracking rate periodically throughout the observing
session to allow Gemini to recalculate the correct rate as needed.
Because the Earth is orbiting the Sun, the Sun' s RA and Dec. do change during the
course of the day, but much more slowly than the Moon. The solar tracking rate again
compensates for the RA component of that change, but not for the Dec. Since the
difference between solar and sidereal rate is only about 4 minutes a day, you will see
little difference between the two over a short period of time.
Adaptive King
In the absence of the Earth' s atmosphere, sidereal rate tracking would be all that is
needed to accurately track objects with fixed RA and Dec. coordinates (any object
outside the solar system). However, because the Earth' s atmosphere refracts (bends)
light, it complicates the situation. The light from an object close to the horizon must pass
through more atmosphere than an object higher in the sky. It is therefore subject to more
refraction, causing the object to appear to be slightly higher in the sky than it actually is.
This is called refraction. As the object climbs higher in the sky, it is subject to less and
less refraction, and its image catches up to where it actually should be. This means that
objects appear to move at a rate slightly slower than sidereal rate when they are close to
Gemini Users Manual
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