Encoder Tics
GM 8
Although Gemini does not require encoders to function, there are some advantages to
using them. Encoders allow the system to keep track of the telescope's position even
when you are moving the telescope manually with the clutches loosened. Unless you
have encoders, you should never loosen the clutches because to do so will cause the
system to lose information both about where it is pointing, and about how close the
mount is to the safety limits. The system must know where the eastern and western limits
are, and when it has to make a meridian flip. Using encoders, the system is informed
about manual movements and can take them into account, thereby avoiding exceeding the
The Gemini software is designed to give you the best of both worlds. As long as the
position signaled by the encoders is consistent with the motor position within two
encoder ticks, the far more accurate motor position is used. But if the encoders signal a
change, the system trusts them and corrects its internal address values.
When this happens, you see the characters R (for RA address correction) or D (for DEC
address correction) displayed at the rightmost place of the system's display. This can be
an indication of manual movement, mechanical slippage, or a wrong encoder resolution
Even if the encoders are set "Online" (per default or by selecting Setup
Encoder ) you can use the system without the encoders being connected. Encoder values
are ignored until the first time a position change is signaled (the encoders are auto
detected). On the other hand, you must not connect encoders while the system is running.
If you intend to use them only at certain times, you can enable or disable them using the
Encoders menu items.
2.2.4 Power Requirements
The Gemini System requires 12 18 Volts DC, 3 Amps to operate. You will need to have
a battery or
DC power supply. Your choice of power supply is very important!
Many DC power units are not regulated, provide too little current, and too little or too
much voltage. This can cause problems with the Gemini. If you plan to run other
equipment from the power supply, make sure it has enough additional capacity.
your power supply carefully to meet the requirements mentioned above
, and avoid
potential problems such as long power cables. The Losmandy DC power supply
(available separately) meets all the above requirements.
2.3 Hand Controller Overview
The Gemini System comes with the
Deluxe Hand Controller
. All functions of the
Gemini System are accessible using just the four diamond shaped buttons, and the
Gemini Users Manual
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