Message Level Web Service Security
signing, and so forth as they apply at the message level. For those who want to
explore these emerging standards on their own, here is a partial list of the more
significant JSRs and specifications:
  JSR 105 XML Digital Signatures for signing an XML document. It also in 
cludes procedures for computing and verifying signatures.
  JSR 106 XML Digital Encryption for encrypting parts of an XML document.
  JSR 155 Web Services Security Assertions, which is based on Security and 
Assertions Markup Language (SAML), is used for exchanging authentication 
and authorization information for XML documents.
  JSR 183 Web Services Message Security Java APIs, which enable applica 
tions to construct secure SOAP message exchanges.
Let's look at how to apply message level security mechanisms to build and
send a SOAP message with some message level security. For example, let's
examine how message level security APIs might put an XML digital signature on
a purchase order document. A client first embeds the digital signature into the
XML message, signing the message before sending it. The signature, which is an
X.509 certificate, is embedded into the purchase order XML document along with
other information. Code Example 7.14 shows the message header for this pur 
chase order XML document with the embedded digital signature, per the XML
Digital Signature specification. This code example is derived from the OASIS
Web Service Security: SOAP Message Security, Working Draft 17
 document. See
http:www.oasis open.org/committees/documents.php
EncodingType="wsse:Base64Binary" wsu:Id="X509Token">






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