Chapter 7 Security
When setting authentication requirements for a client, keep in mind that an
endpoint can require a client to authenticate either by using basic authentication
and supplying a username and password or by using mutual authentication with
the client supplying a digital certificate. An endpoint cannot require a client to use
both mechanisms.
When deploying an application that uses this type of hybrid authentication
mechanism, it is important to properly set the security elements of the Web
resource's deployment descriptor.
Ensure that you set up an SSL transport for each endpoint that requires basic
authentication. Otherwise, the client authenticator is not fully protected. For
example, for Web endpoints, ensure that the
transport guarantee
element of
each protected Web endpoint is set to
for an application using a
hybrid authentication mechanism.
Publicizing Security Policy
Just as it needs to describe its methods and related information in a WSDL docu
ment, a Web service endpoint also needs to describe its security policy and make
that information available to clients. If the WSDL document does not express the
policy information, then the service must use other means to make its requirements
known so that clients can be designed and implemented with those requirements in
mind and be able to interact with the service.
At the present time, a WSDL description contains minimal information about
the security characteristics of an endpoint just the HTTPS location specified in
the endpoint URL. The security functionality specified by the WS I Basic Profile
1.0 only requires that Web services using HTTPS have
in the URI of the
location attribute of the
element in its
description. See Code
Example 7.5.
adventurebuilder/opc/getOrderDetails />
Code Example 7.5
WSDL Security Description
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