The iobase for this card is usually, 0x130, 0x134, 0x230,
0x234, 0x330, and 0x334.
Some clone cards provide
other addresses as well. buson and busof specify the
time the card spends on and off the buss.
values are 11 s on and 4 s off so that other cards get a
chance at the ISA buss. dmaspeed refers to the rate
at which the DMA transfers proceed. The default value
is 5 MB/s, although some cards allow setting up to
10 MB/s, but care should be taken to make sure that
the machine is up to the task.
aic7xxx=extended,no reset
A nonzero value for extended enables extended transla 
tion for large disks. A nonzero value for no reset tells
the card not to reset the card at boot up.
The only parameter that this argument accepts is the
iobase. The expected values are: 0x130, 0x134, 0x230,
0x234, 0x330, and 0x334.
tmc8xx=mem base,irq
The probe code for these Future Domain cards looks
for a BIOS on the card. If one is not found, or the
signature is not recognized, this card will go unrecog 
nized. Specifying the mem base address and the irq
in this argument will force recognition of the card. The
mem base address specifies the memory mapped I/O
region of the card and expects values: 0xc8000, 0xcc000,
0xce000, 0xdc000, 0xde000.






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