Building a Custom Kernel
The steps above will create a kernel source tree in /usr/local/source. This can,
of course be any other place in the file system that seems appropriate, and
need not be /usr/local/source. This is only one of several safe places you could
put this tree. Creating the target directory and the link to it from the linux
directory allows for future kernel source trees to also install here. Setting up
the link to the target before untarring the source files makes everything end
up where it should, rather than having to rename directories after the fact.
The need for all of this stems from the fact that the source tar.gz file unpacks
itself into the local directory named linux . This can also cause problems if
there is already a full directory named linux. With the link, there is at least
the chance of moving the link to a fresh directory before unpacking new kernel
source over the old.
If there are no patches to be applied to the source you are ready to build
a kernel. Begin by changing to the directory /usr/local/source/linux. What
gets done next depends on the state of the source tree and the desires of the
builder. If the desire is that the build process should start from the pristine
source, sometimes referred to as distribution clean then the first step is to
execute make mrproper. From here the following steps are standard:
Configure the features of the kernel via:
make config
make menuconfig
make xconfig
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