Installing the Base System can now be done from a variety of sources.
The installation software will offer to search the media you have chosen,
declaring the correct path to the base2 2.tgz file.
Configuring the Base System is simply a matter of choosing the appro
priate time zone information. The rest of the information necessary for
proper Base System configuration has already been collected.
Now the system is made bootable. Even if some other boot method is to
be used in the final system, follow that step with Make Boot Floppy .
Make a boot floppy so you can be certain of booting your new system.
Reboot the system.
Give root a password; decide whether to add a new user account to the
system; several other questions, including whether you wish simple or
advanced installation: and the rest of the installation begins when the
install script runs either apt get or dselect depending upon the choice
It is easy to get a standard system using dselect. More complex pack
age management is possible with dselect, but usually not by the novice
adventurer. This piece of software should be your first serious candi
date for study once the system installation is complete. Choosing simple
presents a list of package groups called tasks which you can select for in
stallation using apt get. Skip the next dselect items if you use the simple
installation method.
From the dselect main menu, choose the Access option. Here you can
choose from the CD ROM, the Hard Disk, an FTP site, an NFS mount,
or, heaven forbid, floppies. Tell dselect where to find the Packages files
and it's back to the main menu.
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