Package Management Tools
On first entry into the select window a complex list of sections and packages is
visible in the top section of the screen. The arrow keys will move the highlight
bar up and down this list/menu. The order of the packages on this list can
be changed using the `o' key. Press the key several times slowly and the
display changes the order in which packages are displayed from the starting
point, ordered by priority, to ordered by section, and finally to an alphabetical
listing of all available packages.
Further examination of the display will reveal, on the left edge of the display
a cryptic set of symbols like * * or some other form of arcana. Pressing the
v key will expand these symbols into their English meanings, each symbol
described by one word on the display line. This results in the loss of the
available and installed versions as well as the short description that was found
on the line before pressing v. Press v again and return the display to the terse
Next, let's see if we can find a particular package among this information rich
list. Midnight Commander (mc) is a nice package to have, but is not included
in the standard packages, so it will not be currently selected for installation.
Use the / key and enter mc when asked what to search for. Like any string
search the package found will not necessarily be the one you are looking for.
There are several other packages that start with mc and, unless the list is
ordered in simple alphabetic order, these other packages are as likely to be
found first as the desired one. To search for the next possibility, simply press
the back slash (\) and the next match will be found. Several repetitions of
this action will eventually find the package in question.
Once the mc package has been found, the bottom section of the screen will
display the long description for this package. Pressing the `i' key will provide
several other informative screens. The first gives the installation status of
the package. The next two give various control file displays which provide
additional information about the priority, section, dependencies and package
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