What is in this book?
The rest of this book is organized into three major chapters:
Chapter 2: Package Management Tools
Chapter 3: Installation
Chapter 4: Basic System Administration
Chapter 2 contains three major sections, covering the three principle tools
used in managing packages. Starting with dpkg, the command line utility that
performs the principle package management tasks; the chapter continues with
a discussion of dselect, the first user interface to the distribution archives; and
finishing up with an introduction to apt get, the newest package installing util
ity which provides a smoother handling of dependencies, among other useful
features. These discussions are only intended to give the reader an introduc
tion to these tools, with enough examples to explain installation, upgrading,
and removing packages with these tools. For a detailed understanding of the
advanced features of these tools the reader must wait until they have a Debian
system installed. A search for documents on these tools will teach the novice
user many useful things.
Chapter 3 provides detailed information about the installation of your own
Debian system. The installation process proceeds in two major steps. After
information intended to prepare the user and the machine for the upcoming
installation, this chapter covers both stages of the installation, as seen from a
CDROM installation. Debian provides many different methods of installation,
both from local media as well as several network methods. While all of these
methods are basically similar, there are minor differences that make it difficult
to deliver a general description. Since most editions of this book will come with
some kind of Debian CD, this method was chosen so that a straight forward
description of the install process could be presented. Helpful alternatives are
outlined at the end of this chapter.
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